Michael Kelley and the Tough Sayings of Jesus

Michael Kelley is an editor for the Threads team's (undated) Bible study products.  Before he began to work for LifeWay full-time, he wrote a study for us called "Tough Sayings of Jesus," which spotlighted four times in the Bible where Jesus doesn't seem to be quite as nice as we might normally think (from the Tough Saying webpage: the rich young ruler in Mark 10, the Canaanite woman in Matt. 15, the unforgivable sin in Matt. 12, and a contradiction about who Jesus is in Matt. 10 and Luke 12).Threads is getting ready to launch volume two of the study, so I sat down with Kelley for a bit to talk about his job here at LifeWay, and some of the concepts behind these studies.[kyte.tv appKey=MarbachViewerEmbedded&uri=channels/30228/90177&embedId=10039540&locale=en]