LifeWay Downloads: Tough Sayings of Jesus

And.... we're back!  After a brief hiatus in order to get out processes sorted out, we've begun to push out digital download content to again.  I'm happy to say that the first out of the gate this go around is the Threads study, Tough Sayings of Jesus by Michael Kelley.

For the downloadable resources, literally the entire study is available either as a complete bundle, as individual sessions, or as just the videos (in my humble opinion, the Captive

video from this series is one of the short video segments to come out of LifeWay).  Each session contains a lot:

1) The Leader Guide PDF

2) The Member Book PDF

3) The Corresponding Conversation-Stater Video

4) Audio Teaching Help from Michael Kelley

5) Tough Saying Poster PDF & email banner JPG

6) Sample of Tough Sayings 2

The Threads team have reallyl gone all out to make this a complete digital offering.  Also available today is the "More Than Stats" video from Get Uncomfortable and the previously unreleased "Hear" video.