Posts in writing
My First Paid Writing Work!
That's right, tonight I just turned in my first paid writing gig.  I wrote an article on why churches need websites, and some basics on how to get started with the process for LifeWay's Deacon magazine. Beacuse of the publishing schedule for magazines having such a long lead time, the article won't actually see print until the Spring 08 issue.  Amazing how far in advance they do these things.  It's been an honor and a blessing to get to work on this; nevermind the personal excitement of being able to officially say I'm a published freelance writer!  It's always a good day when dreams come true, no matter how it happens.  Here's to hoping there's more words of mine that will see print in the future!
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to be arrogant
From an awesome article on why comic book authors - and writers in general - need to be prideful sometimes: 
Seriously, though, if we writers didn’t have enough pride (or at least fairly confident/hopeful aspirations) that our writing was/is good enough to entertain, enlighten or inspire at least a percentage of the people who could (and hopefully will) be reading it, well, we as writers wouldn’t be putting any of our writings out there, would we? (See Emily Dickinson as a perfect – albeit exceptional – example of the latter.) In writing – just as is the case in life – you have to almost lose yourself in your pride and ego and guts and just freakin’ go for it. Period. Are you going to make mistakes? Yeah. Are you going to fail? Sometimes. Is success guaranteed? Absolutely not. Are you going to look back at the earliest stuff you’ve written/published and cringe? I certainly hope so… otherwise you’re not getting any better. So please – pretty please – with sugar on top – be cocky when you write. Be gutsy. Be brash. Be arrogant. Screw those people that will try to bring you down and chide you for your ambition… they’re probably just jealous of the fact that you’re being gung-ho enough to actually get out there and do what they cannot or will not – and that’s create.
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