email woes
hey guys... just letting everyone know that because of a space-usage error on my part, I haven't gotten any email sent to me since OCTOBER 3rd. Oops. Sorry if you emailed and I didn't get back to you. Write me again?
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quickAaron LinneComment
There is Still Hope
I love my friends. I love Tasha and Logan and Mark and Stefan and Amy and Andrea and Andy and Shawn and Leslie and Gary and Thomas and Aaron and Dan and Adam and Matt and Darrel and James and Chris and Jordan and, of course, Ashley - and so on and so on. And one thing that I've always loved abot my friendships is openness and honesty. That if there was something I wanted to discuss, I know I'd have a multitude to do so with. That if there was something they wanted to discuss, they know that I'd be open to talking about whatever. And so, I love it (honestly, not sarcastically) when a friend says "hey... that offends me." Or when they say,"hey... that doesn't seem right. what's going on here?" Or when they just say, "Hey Aaron - I love you." So, in my small sphere of friendships... it seems that my previous post ("A Hope Realized"), one that I wrote because of joy and happiness and - well - hope, has offended some friends. And, hopefully that's okay. Hopefully we're still "dear" friends. The post was never meant to offend, the post was an outpouring of where I am in life, it was about me finally "getting it." It was about me realizing that all these lies that society and tv and locker rooms and theatre groups and websites and friends and exes and men and women have told me were just that - lies. It was about me trying to stand up and say to other men out there, "Hey! I got fooled! Being a man has absolutley NOTHING to do with the size of your * or how you use it! Being a man has NOTHING to do with how hot of a girl you can get to sit by your side! Being a man has NOTHING to do with what your fetish is or whether you've been with two girls at once! We've all been LIED to! There is something so much better! Really!" It was me being honest... saying that hey... I fell for that midrift. Hey... I sought out that leg. Hey... listen... I was told that a woman would only stay with you if you can give her an orgasm. And I was told wrong, I know this now. It was me saying that when you fall in love, when you find a woman that doesn't have to use her body to get your attention... when you find a real woman, one kiss from her will be more intoxicating than some random orgasm. It was me being real, saying to my friends, my brothers, to anyone who might stumble on this site... I admit it. I had those random orgasms. I SOUGHT out those random orgasms. And they don't compare to a kiss backed by love. And somehow, some of the people that I truly do hold dear, whose opinions count, who I only wish I saw more of, took offense at this post. And that's ok. It's ok because I haven't live their life and they haven't lived mine. They don't know what I've gone through. They weren't around for the relationships I've been in. They haven't seen me with my most raw insecurities, thinking that because I was the biggest kid in 6th grade that no girl would ever want me. They havn't seen that nearly every relationship in high school ended with the girl leaving me for another guy or because I wouldn't put out. They haven't seen that I suddenly had more girls at my attention then I knew what to do with when I did start to kiss around. They haven't seen how that messed up my perception of a what a man should be. And I? I haven't seen their lives, their relationships that formed them. I haven't seen what images and memories the words "open legs" or "midrift" or "dirty lips" might conjure up. I don't know the power of words and how meaning gets lost in translation - the translation of lives and memories and figurative language. And I don't know their perceptions of a "real woman" or a "real man" and maybe they've never had to deal with the things I have. Or maybe they've dealt with it on levels much worse (much different - in personal lives our experiences are always worse to ourselves) that I ever have. And maybe that post was all about me needing to finally just say, "Thank you Ashley - thank you for loving me for me and I want you to know that your kisses, simnple kisses, are so much sweeter than the random orgasms I was confused to believe made me a man." When people hear that I'm a virgin, I often hear one of two responses: "Is that because of your religious beliefs?" "Do you want me to change that?" To answer the second quesiton, no, I don't. To answer the first? No, it isn't. My religious beliefs coincide with the decision I've made on my sexuality (to be a virgin until marriage) and back it up - but I've chosen chastity because I do believe, regardless of the Church's command (technicality: what is the definition of adultery?) for waiting for marriage because I believe you should. Why? Because I don't want a child by someone I haven't commited my life to Because I want to be able to give my wife something I've never given anyone (regardless of whether she can say the same or not - which, up until just a few months ago, I never imagined I might be able to wed a virgin because there are so few out there and regardless of what people may think I implyed, "dirty lips" have nothing to do with the past and everything to do with the mind and heart and intentions). Because one night of sexual discovery cannot compare to 25 years of sexual discovery. Because I don't want to wear a condom. Because I worry enough about STDs from toilets and bedsheets and blood transfusions. Because my mom wouldn't have wanted me to. And so, execpt for quoting God, "Brace yourself like a man...", because the intent of the post was about being a man, I purposely tried to stay away from my religious beliefs in that post. Because while they correlate with my sexual identity and choices, they are not the sole driving force. And that's one of the places I've struggled so much in life... is that practically the only place that says to wait for intercourse is a good thing IS the church! And when you ask why? You get that answer "because you shouldn't. no, no, no. Touching is bad. Kissing is bad. Realizing that 'oh! hey! I have genitalia!' is bad. God says so." And I'm TIRED of that being the only reason. So I discover that - hey - kissing this woman that I've fallen in love with... it envokes feelings and desires and care and affection that is so different than anything before. People need to know that this is better than kissing some random pair of lips you may never see again! Because I've been there! I know the difference now! MEN! There is hope!!! If the fact that I discovered a truth in my life for myself, outside of the black & white confines of organized religion, and I want to share it somehow makes someone want no part of Christianity... then... then... then I'm just plain confused. Because suddenly someone is placing stereotypes on my life's story and not listening. Which is what so many people say is the reason that they don't like Christians. So do I think girls are to blame? Do I think "dirty girls" are evil and need to be killed and slaughtered and hung on a pole for all to see and mock? Do I think that you (anyone reading this - and anyone not reading this) are evil for having kissed someone other than your mate? Do I think that the moment a girl gives up her virginity to someone, anyone outside of marriage they become tainted and don't deserve love and care and affection? No. No. No. And no. My post was to urge men to not look at the girls out there in life who do seek momentary pleasure for the sheer thrill of it and not seeking love. It's to be a man and try to not have your eyes drawn to every thigh and midrift out there in the hopes of chasing it down and being a sexual conquest. It's an urge to realize (because I've been there, I've expereiced it) that there are girls who will try to tell you that your manhood is based on how good you are in bed and if you're still a virgin at 24 then you're still just a kid. My post was to men. My post was to tell men that you don't have to buy into the lies of sex and lust and false pride. That true love is better than messing around. That a real kiss is better than a random orgasm. My post was to say "hey - i'm the one whose lips were dirty. I found something better. I got messed up from all that - you don't need to too." That when you've been told sexual lie after lie your entire post-puberty life... that when you think the only way you'll get a girl (since you won't have sex with them) is to at least be good at everything else... that when you don't understand why girls on first dates, girls that you were dating for less than a month who was your best female friend before that, girls that you thought you were going to marry - that you don't understand why they break up with you because, in their own words, "you won't have sex with me..." that even amongst a life like that, that men - there is still hope.
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A Hope Realized
I wish someone had told me. I don't know why no one did. To all my single brothers out there... to all the young men who are trying to figure out this world and are trying to respond to the expectations of sex and love and kisses and physique and looks and manhood. Become a man. Don't fool around, don't be a slut, don't think that your worth is EVER to be measured on how many girls throw themselves at you or how many you can kiss on the first date or how many show off that leg of theirs. That's all so so worthless. To steal a phrase from the creative God Himself: "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you and you will answer me." What part of being a man involves lying down with another man's to-be wife? What part of a man means giving away parts of yourself to some girl whose name you won't remember in 20 years... 10 years... 2 years. What part of being a man means becoming weak in the knees about something as silly as midrift; how could that compare to one day seeing a much larger midrift carrying your child? What part of a man means compromising your commitments to yourself (let alone God or your mysterious yet-to-be-named wife) for momentary pleasure? Now wait. I've heard all that before. I've heard people say don't do this or don't do that or don't look at this girl or don't touch that one. I've heard from men "no, no, no." What we don't hear, what so few people have told me... is how GOOD it will be when you find the woman you love. How beautiful the comfort of simply holding another body near yours not for lust or ego but for comfort and care. How much better it is to have a woman who trusts you and loves you for not proving your manhood via your body and sexual expertise but instead by your lifestyle and your mind and you commitments. Guys... a gentle touch and strong commitment will find it's way to a worthy heart. A d* just gets you into pants. And those pants are probably used and dirty anyways. I can go to the store and by a TV dinner with Sirloin Steak. So can you. And you, and you, and you. And yeah... that Sirloin Steak might fill me up. That TV Dinner Sirloin Steak might even taste good! You might think... "hey, I can live on this Sirloin Steak for my life." And then... you meet a master chef. He marinates his steak, uncooked, untouched, for days. Then, slowly the meat is cooked over an open fire. And you realize what real STEAK is. Men (and women) you can go out there and give up hope and just be with whatever (whoever) is easy. You can feel powerful, you can feel embraced by society. And then one day you'll try something real. I'll be honest. I had started to give up hope in feminity... I had met so many women who were trying to woo men with their body and open legs and not their heart and mind. And their abrasiveness and desire to be wanted was so much louder than the real women who respect themselves and love men in the proper, right ways that I almost missed true love. They spoke so loud that I got lost in what it meant to be a man. What was important. What my soul and emotions and body really needed. Guys - true love is out there. And it tastes so much sweeter than dirty lips. The reason to wait isn't just some sort of "no, no, no." It's not even to protect you, per se. The reason to wait is because when you find love it will be as a fine wine; so much better than what you could quickly get your hands into. You've got things to do, a man to become. Don't let sime pair of used, dirty lips dictate to you that sexual pleasure is a substitute for being real. Let go of that false assumption and misguided focus and become a real man. And then, when you find a real woman, one kiss will intoxicate you more than some random orgasm. Men, there is hope.
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Random Acts of Memory
So as I was driving yesterday, I was hit with a random memory. I don't know why it suddenly came to me, but it did. So the year was 2001 and my friends James, Jeremiah and Chris were in Houston, TX. While waiting for a bus, we struck up a conversation with one of the other guys waiting. He asked why we were in town and, our obvious answer was... "We're a band on tour." So what does he do? He invites us to play at his church in the morning. So... after explaining that we weren't really a band, he comes back and hangs with us at our hotel for a bit. Where my guitar was. Which he saw. Which lead him to invite ME to play/sing at church the next morning. So I did. And that, my friends, is how Aaron ended up playing a song he wrote at a black church in Houston, TX.
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to meet a hurricane named Ivan / ChicagoCon Pictoral
so it's been quite a while since I've taken a lil time to blog. sue me. I figured I'd knock out one last entry before I go to meet my impending doom at the hands of Hurrican Ivan and his cohorts of wind, water and destruction. That's right, I'm flying down to Orlando for vacation tommorrow. I fly out Monday, with the hurricane pushing me out (IVAN is currently scheduled to hit Orlando on, yes, Monday). So why have I not written? Because Aaron's been a good little worker bee and kept very busy. From an awesome trip in Chicago for WizardWorld Chicago '04 to FUGE's Eval Week '04 to Dragon*Con '04 and now the upcoming DisneyWorld Trip '04... it just keeps going and going. Memoirs of WizardWorld So WizardWorld rocked this year even better than '03. This time I was flanked in fun not only by loyal friend Bagget of France, but by the HeroClix Master himself, Dug. During the course of the con I got to once again meet CB - the talent relations guy at Marvel Comics. I met him last year, had a minor conversation, and assume that he has no idea who I am. CB... not only does he have talent, but he can relate to us little people. I feel pretty awkward about Chris Claremont. He's the godfather of the X-Men, bringing them back to life so many years ago and taking us on the wild ride of their journey - creating the prototype for what so many comics try so hard to do. Then he gave us "X-Treme X-Men" with a story so confusing that I didn't even notice when I read it that one of the characters (Psylocke) was killed. That's right, I didn't even notice it. Then he gaves us the X-Treme X-Men storyline of "The Arena" in which he made two sets of characters lesbians (that's 4 lesbians in a row) when none of them had shown that tendacy ever before. So odd. Then, he went and insulted Joss Wheedon. Funny man that Joss. And wow, is he good at writing. And seemingly shy about it all, in a boyish way. If I was a girl (or if Claremont wrote my life)... ew. Nevermind. Yes Joe, you've been a great EiC for Marvel (and as a stockholder, I really mean it). But no, you may not eat the microphone. And finally, in this WizardWorld Special Pictoral, I managed to infiltrate Bagget of France's secrative international conversations with his French "Agents." We can see here how coy he his about his masterplan. I believe he was getting frustrated over Jack-In-the-Box's decision to take the "French" out of "French Fries." Finally, James concedes to pain when told of the death of Rene Dupree's dog FiFi. Rest well FiFi. Rest well.
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the day after yesterday, which was my birthday (yesterday, not the day after)

yesterday was my birthday.

yeah for dad and sharon coming to visit.

good conversations and good to spend time with the family. would like to have seen ash and maybe talk to her more than i did. reality of long distance and such sets in.

need to spend time with local friends... don't think most knew it was my birthday. just been too busy with work and various side projects. amy and the church crew keep reaching out to me with lots of invites and phone calls, but it seems i never get the message until after their outing is finished. need to work on lines of communication.

i'm the kind of friend who needs to be reached out to - to be refreshed that, yes, so-and-so really does want to hang with me. amy does a great job of that but i do a horrible job of recipicating.

spoke with andy friday; missed him more than i knew.

looking forward to chicago w/james. never had a more loyal friend than him. chicago was a hobby-awakening time for me... be interesting to see how it effects me (if at all) this year.

nervous about the fact that i'm gone 4 out of the next 5 weekends. going to hurt the cashflow.

starting next week there will be 4 of us living in my lil house. so much for privacy in the month of august.

feeling sleepy. long long day but sprinkled with some very good conversation.

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the heart and another
the heart was calloused. it beat steady, but without rhythm or true desire. it beat because it had to; that's what hearts do. the heart knew it needed something more... anything more... so it flapped itself around screaming "i need something!" and the vultures picked it up as bit the heart with wrongful kisses, massaging it to a bloody mess. the heart didn't like this. the heart, with vultures circling around, was found by another. another simply said "sorry." the heart, in it's confusion, flapped around screaming "i need something!" while another gently waved and said "hey, can we talk?" the heart was suprised at this. you see, the heart had been shut up and locked shut. the heart had been so abused and spit on the it had become so hard to do much more than beat. another really wanted to talk. another said, unknowingly and in no so many words, "shhh. it's ok." this meant a lot to the heart. another had a master locksmith for a father.
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at risk
at the risk of offending many of my friends... i just realized that a lot (not all) of worship leaders/bands are kind of like cover-tunes artists. not that that's bad, per se. i have several friends (sh4wn, thomas, etc) who mix their original material in with cover-tunes. i like that. but others are just straight cover artists. sort of. i mean, they try to put their own spin on the music... sometimes. sorry. just random thoughts that i'm sure will offend... but it seemed like such an epiphany.
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i find it strange. i was at a worship service tonight... and it's not that the preacher did a bad job at preaching... it's just... i'm beginning to think that I just don't get it. that somehow i disconnected from the christian culture where we think that people are just going to "accept Christ" because someone says we should from a stage. Because someone promises freedom and peace and joy... when it seems the church has been portrayed as a depressing set of rules and regulations. where's the story? the grand adventure? it just seems that, having experienced a taste, a sliver of the world... it just seems that a funny story and a few open promises aren't going to cut it. I'm not saying that it wouldn't or it doesn't... and I'm sure people have come to know Christ through sermons like that... and conversations like that... but it seems so empty. I just don't know why we've pulled away from the grand story of Creation and Christ to talk about... silly stories that make people laugh. Sure, there is a place for laughter... but it just seems like we leave out so much of what makes our faith alive and true. Maybe I don't understand about preaching... maybe I missed some memo somewhere... but that which will draw people near to Christ is EXPERIENCING Christ... not just talking abuot what will happen afterwards... but telling people why we should care about Christ in the first place. Why has that become so unusual?
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Christopher Walken is an interesting man, to say the least. He's been the scary, creepy guy in such movies as The Prophecy and Sleepy Hollow, played all sorts of mob bosses in movies like Suicide Kings and King of New York and even played the family man in the films Blast from the Past and Sarah, Plain and Tall. He is well known for is quirky speech patterns... where it seems he's saying so much more than the words. He, in fact, is. In an interview on Inside the Actor's Studio, Walken once claimed that he would write between 3 and 5 reasons as to why he was saying each and every line of dialogue. 3 to 5 reasons... for every line. Needless to say, he knows his characters well and tries his hardest to understand their character. In an interview in GQ, Walken was asked � because he's known for being so creepy � what scares him; what is Christopher Walken afraid of? His answer: �The only thing to fear is God.� Have you ever thought about why we are to fear God? Sure, maybe some might say it's a �righteous fear,� that it's more an honoring than actually being afraid - and they may be right. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still be afraid of God. An Almighty, All-Power Being who can do whatever He wants. He can part seas, make the skies rain frogs and make an ass talk. Seldom do we consider the power He is. People used to fear their kings, even as they loved them. Their way of showing such fear and respect? By bowing before them. A bow is not just some position a human body gets into for comfort. Bowing, on the knees, is in fact the opposite � it is the one position where a human is most vulnerable. Back exposed, sense cut off. A subject would bow to a king for this reason: when one bows, they are offering their life to the king. If the king finds them not worthy, their sword is swift against the back of their neck. If they are found worthy, then the bask in the presence of their lord. When did you last bow not as beloved child of God, but as a humble servant, exposing their neck to the sword of the Ruler of the Universe and Spirits? "Fire blazed out from GOD and consumed the Whole-Burnt-Offeringand the fat pieces on the offering. When all the people saw it happen they cheered loudly and fell down, bowing in reverance." Leviticus 9:24 (The Message)
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no greater
There is no greater taste than warm sweet tea mixed with a few ice cubes. The rush of conflicting tempuratures against your lip as the sweet sugar spreads itself upon your taste buds. Sigh. This, this is what taste is all about.
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Super-Hero Happy Hour
50 entires. Yeah. I'm still astounded by the fact that there is documented, scientific proof that there is a mutant - a potential super-hero - among us. What in the world will become of this boy? Will he win world records in every atheletic class? Will his body crumble under his own mass? Will he don a costume and fight villianry in Germany? I guess it was just a matter of time. I mean, think about it... who is more a super-villian than bin Laden? He has a secret lair in underground cave tunnels. He has a network of anynomous soldiers who die for the cause he sets before them; and they are actually effective in disrupting society. He gets messages to the mass media... does he take over all the televisions in the world from his underground lair? No - we do that for him. So we have a super-villain and a young super-hero-in-the-making. Scientists are already pawing all over him with the hopes of recreating his mutation... creating a kind of physical super-human... hello Captain America. How long is it until we see cyborgs fighting crime? Until there is a true division... those who are physically adept like this german child and us... the normal ones? And what will be next? Will the body mutate in other ways? This super-human strength and muscular system is most certainly just the beginning. I know I know, I sound dramamtic... but isn't it that all non-fiction eventually becomes true? Submarine, space travel... when will time travel happen? When will anti-gravity become common place? Just a few days ago the first non-government space launch occured. In our life time we'll be able to travel in the Earth's orbit just as easy as we travel in planes... Times are changing. When are we going to start seeing a return to the spiritual for Christian? When will we start relying on miracles instead of just beilieving them? Is some Wiccan going to garner more proof of her spell-casting and dealings with the super-natural than we Christians will (because the wiccan community would actually support their witch while the Christian community would blatantly disassociate with whatever person the Holy Spirit brought a miracle through...)? I'm excited about life suddenly... it may turn out to be more interesting than any of our forefathers dreamed.
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i grow tired from the lack of a love. so many thoughts curse my mind at night. ghosts of my mother. failures of wrongly placed supplies orders for work. stress of my stupid spending of cash. and the lack of a love. and i get frustrated because the loves I do have - the loves of the friendship kind - are so stagnant because I'm not ever here it ever seems. I can't sleep because I don't know what Mark/Tasha/Logan/Zane are up to. I haven't seen Sh4wn in ages. I've not seen Andy since January. I've only seen Rena's child once. I haven't head from Stefan since my mother ventured on. I've not seen Chris since our meal with Len. there's so much about life that seems so questionable. and have i become so set in my ways that I could even consider a mate? and that oh-so-frustrating question... what am i doing with my life? what do i want to do? and how in the world can i submit to a higher calling of God if I have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing? I spent this past week teaching a bible study at the Southern Baptist Convention. And let me say... it was the most refreshing thing I've done in ages. i truly felt like i found the water i had been panting like a dusty old dog for. it was so different than the year before when i decayed under stress and expectation at Union's cfuge camp. but what do i do with that now? there are no youth at my church to help prepare for and explore life with. i don't even know any teenagers, hardly. and there are no oppertunities for me to preach. and no one's taken me under their wing to learn from. and so i feel stagnant. and so i lie in bed, thoughts cursing my mind.
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in one of the most surreal experiences in my life, ever, I just found out it's 9:16 am. I've been awake for a good hour, maybe even an hour and a half; I thought I woke up at 1:30. I'm so very confused. But this is what happens when you work camp, don't sleep at all friday night then sleep 15 hours saturday night and go to bed at 4 am Sunday night. Yes. I am confused.
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What does one do the night their mother dies? I find myself sitting at a picnic table, just kinda of doing not much of anything. I read in Ecclesiastes that "The end of a matter is better than its beginning" (7:8). This life... this soul-trapping sack of human flesh... is so... confusing. It's so hard to imagine the world-more-real that is of spirits and souls and Heaven and angels. I mean wow - eternity. 49 Years vs Eternity. How can we begin to fathom it? I mean, life - as I know it - will always be divided for me from now on. Before May 21 at 4:50pm ET... and after 4:50. But what about that life that I don't know? That eternal one where things are so different and time isn't measured. I mean... if this life gives 49 cycles of the earth around the sun... and the real life gives us unmarked... the word isn't time. What is the word? And the real life gies us an unmarked experience in fellowship at the feet of the Son. So mom gets to experience that real life, her faith proved and her soul awoken to the real life that we can't percieve. It's so weird to think that this life is not even the first chapter of our full life. More like the forward. Or maybe its more like the back story... like the Hobbit was for Lord of the Rings. You don't have to have read the Hobbit to understand the Lord of the Rings... but by reading the Hobbit you gain insight as to how things came to be in LotR. I don't know. Debbie Linne is living the life more real now. I will cherish and enjoy the taste of memories from her time here on Earth. Though to me it be years before we meet again, she waits in the endless pool of eternity, knowing I'm coming when it's time. God rest with her soul.
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